How I Met Your Mother
If there's a mainstream representation of the classic style/cares what they look like subculture anywhere, it's definitely in the character of Barney Stinson. He goes to barber shops for a straight razor shave, likes to wear suits because "suits are cool," and discusses the finer points of tailoring. He actually cares how he looks, in essence. How I Met Your Mother, by the way, is a pretty awesome show. I'm sorry to myself that I haven't discovered it earlier. Give it a watch sometime. The best part is that it's on your local CBS station if you don't have cable (like me).
I have a distinct feeling that "suiting up" hasn't quite caught on as much as it should yet because his character is something of a buffoon. It could also have SOMETHING to do with Neil Patrick Harris coming out, but that would be a stretch given the general attitude about homosexuality by today's youth, much less the guys who would watch this show. However, I see more young guys in suits today than I did three years ago, and that's not bad for a college town! Now, all we need are some better places to get suits than Jos. A. Bank and Men's Wearhouse in Gainesville. Then maybe I'd soon see an argument in a public place over which is better: One- or two-button jackets?
His character always looks good. Funny show!